General Pediatrics

- Infant and child well visits based on American Academy touch points recommended schedule or Mutter Kind Pass on Austrian schedule
- Participation in free vaccination program sponsored by Austrian government
- Family education regarding available vaccines and choice of Austrian, US, or custom vaccination schedule tailored to individual needs (travel, school entry requirements, etc.)
- Sick visits and acute care, telephone triage at off-hours
- Counseling on all pediatric issues including feeding, sleep, behavior, development, and safety
Well-child Visits
Well-child visits are critical for the ongoing health and well-being of your child. Childhood is a time of rapid growth and change, and you should visit your pediatrician the most when your child is developing the fastest! Each visit typically includes a complete...
U.S. Preventitive Care Schedule
A visit with your pediatrician before your baby is born is important for first-time parents, those with high-risk pregnancies, and any other parent who wishes to discuss common issues such as feeding, circumcision, and general questions. After your baby is born, the...
Services Provided
General Pediatrics
Well-child and sick visits
Mutter-Kind Pass checkups
Developmental screening
Nutrition and sleep counseling
Pediatric pulmonology
Asthma and allergies
Chronic cough
Pre-term infants
Lung function testing
Other Services
In-office tests and labs
Hearing screening
Ear piercing
Wart freezing
Vienna Pediatrics | Dr. Eva Leder, MD | Grinzinger Allee 3/6, 1190 Wien
T: +43 699 1375 8005 | [email protected]